
Corn Flakes Strawberry Chill Pops

The perfect companion to any chill session: the Corn Flakes strawberry chill pops!

Recipe Preparation Icon
Prep Time 20 minutes
Recipe Total Time Icon
Total Time 80 minutes
Recipe icon to illustrate the number of servings
Servings 2

Key Ingredient

Kellogg's® Corn Flakes with Real Strawberry Puree

Kellogg's® Corn Flakes with Real Strawberry Puree



  • Kellogg's® Corn Flakes with Real Strawberry Puree 2 cups
  • Milk 1 cup
  • Mango pulp 1/2 cup
  • Malau (optional) 1/2 cup
  • Strawberry pulp 2 tbsp
  • Strawberries for garnish 4 to 5

Cooking steps

1. Prepare the mixture.

2. Put Kellogg's® Corn Flakes with Real Strawberry Puree in a bowl.

3. Add milk.

4. Add malai or cream (Ideally malai).

5. Add mango pulp.

6. Add strawberry pulp or puree.

7. Blend the mixture.

8. For layering, sprinkle Kellogg's® Corn Flakes with Real Strawberry Puree in the ice cream maker.

9. Pour the mixture in the ice cream maker.

10. Place the ice cream maker in the freezer.

11. Your fun & nourishing chill pops are ready to enjoy!