Kellogg's® Corn Flakes

For over 100 years, many have woken up to the crunchy delicious taste of Kellogg's® Corn Flakes. It's made with real golden flakes of corn toasted to cripsy goodness. Enjoy it with milk or yoghurt, or personalise your bowl by adding your favourite toppings of fruits and nuts!

Available Sizes

150 g | 275 g | 500 g

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Helps to release energy

Wake up to crunchy delicious taste with Kellogg's® Corn Flakes.

Made with real golden flakes of corn toasted to crunchy goodness! Enjoy it anytime, anywhere! With milk, with yougurt, with fruits or as a snack on it's own.

Helps to release energy Essential in blood production

Key Ingredients

  • Corn



Jagung (90.4%), gula, ekstrak malt, garam, premiks vitamin dan mineral (vitamin (A, V1 (tiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niasin), B6 (piridoksin), B9 (asam folat), B12 (sianokobalamin), C (asam askorbat)), mineral zat besi dan seng), antioksidan tokoferol.


Mengandung alergen, ekstrak malt. Mungkin mengandung kedelai dan kacangan pohon (tree nuts).

Nutritional Information